January 16, 2008

Better Living Through Alchemy

As of right now, after eight years of waffling, I am back on the dried frog pills.

Wish me luck.

January 05, 2008

Merry Measure: Epilogue

It's officially the close of the season; happy Twelfth Night, everyone. For your imminent Epiphany, this Magian gift: the enormously talented Cat Valente, who seems to be assuming the mantle of the new century's Angela Carter, has a Winter Queen speech at Green Man Review for an issue dedicated to her work. It is lovely and moving and full of her strange magic, so go thou and read.
Sir Toby. ...Does not our life consist of the four elements?
Sir Andrew. Faith, so they say; but I think it rather consists of eating and drinking.
Sir Toby. Th'art a scholar! Let us therefore eat and drink.

- Twelfth Night II:iii
And blessed be, all every one.

January 04, 2008

Never Had a Way With Women

No one is ever going to mistake me for a political blogger, thank Heaven, but I'll say this about the outcome of the Iowa caucuses: Coulda been worse.

Some far better commentary from round the Blogosphere:





Making Light.

January 01, 2008

Ring Out, Ring In

I've spent all the time between my last post and now either out of town or sick or both, and between that and the impending post-holiday blues I'm still a bit short of vitality, but nevertheless: Happy New Year, everyone. Here's hoping the best of what's passed is the worst of what's to come.