March 05, 2004

It Is Time, Only Time

Happy Birthday today to David Tibet, the Very Voice of Current 93.

He seems to be celebrating the occasion by transforming himself into Vincent Schiavelli, which is probably fitting enough. Or it could be that he's begun to channel the late Tiny Tim, who he befriended in Tiny's latter years, and who can be heard on "How The Great Satanic Glory Faded" saying "The Devil is an angel. The Devil is a beautiful angel... He compares to Sharon Stone..." over the telephone to David. It's a funny old world.

If I could have one wish
as in the fairytales
I would unmake my past
and rise like Lazarus
and stand in sunlight
and banish all the dark
that locked my face away
and say to you again
oh that
that was only time

Anyway, many happy returns, Mr. Tibet. The world is richer and stranger with you in it; long life and good health to you.

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